Wednesday, September 06, 2006

All SHOW no GO? Not SO! Nike style with real-life applications.

As if I needed to tell anyone, Nike is a company known for marketing saavy and the daring idea. Many times this is all smoke-n-mirrors; lots of flash with barely enough substance to make it viable. In the late 90's they gained in fashion and style but they lost a lot of hardcore athletic types.

Well you can scratch that. Nike is now taking that style and flair and moving to gain back the true athlete that the company was built for and gain popularity with inthe 70s and 80s.

At alongside and intertwined with their bells and whistles advertorials, they have very real, very accessible "training" mini-sites that allow the user to not only get real athletic training programs and videos, but also buy the clothing seen in action. And vise versa you can pick apparel and then see it go to work. Very nice, VERY nice.

I'm a hard-core Adidas convert myself, but as is the case with many of us Nike was my default almost at birth. The homegrown giant that made every kid believe his turn was up next. I may be coming back "home" if this proves a constant growth area for Nike.

Steve G. - YALE PARK

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