Oaklyn Raider Gets No Sleep 'Til Brookland...
This spinning god-sized ball of dirt that we find ourselves on is getting smaller by the day, yet not by physical means but rather by the speed and connectivity of our information systems. You can be anything you'd like or be anywhere you chose. Virtual is now more Actual than ever.
Case in point: Meet Alias & Tarsier.

He (Alias) is a prolific producer/lyricist of the not-so-mainstream hip hop order. Hailing from the Oakland end of the greater Bay Area known for its ultra-unique, progressive fusion of hip hop and electronic flavor, Alias, a.k.a Brendon Whitney, is a bi-costal kid from Cali by way of Maine. Once a spoken word poet, Alias found himself gravitating more toward the music rather than the words. Lush soundscapes became his vocals and dreamy cinematic movements became the inspired rather than the background inspiration.
She (Tarsier) is an aural angel who begged her parents for instruments and lessons to be close to music. Born under the lights of movie studios in Culver City, CA, Rona Rapadas ironically found herself struck by the sound of the movies. That big, wide-open flow of sound used to tell stories. Little did she know that a man with a key to that particular lock was formulating a plan that would fit her needs. Tarsier garnered critical acclaim by coupling with a producer who could back her haunting voice. Healamonster was the first to "mash-up" with Tarsier forming Healamonster & Tarsier and relocating to Brooklyn, NY to do their work. Her vocal skills seemed to invite the need for collabortation.
Here is where the ball of dirt shrinks.
Tarsier had caught a glimpse of her future in the beats of Alias and very matter-of-factly sent him an email with a sincere and simple suggestion;
From: Rona
To: Anticon (Alias' record label)
Subject Vox with Alias
This is Rona aka Tarsier, from the Brooklyn-based electronic duo Healamonster & Tarsier. I am loving Alias' album Muted and I am wondering if he would be interested in collaborating with me on a future track, or be open to me providing vocals for one of his tracks. I live in Brooklyn but we could trade beats and/or song structures and vocal MP3s via email.
(a actual email written by Rona "Tarsier" Rapadas, as read in URB Magazine Aug. '06 issue)
And with that, the oceans met.

The resulting tidal wash produced Alias & Tarsier and the cleverly titled "Oaklyn/Brookland" named in perfect homage of the combining of styles and coasts. I can't do the sound proper lip service, so I task you now... Listen and be so moved by a indie rapper gone savvy producer and a singer who literally begged to be heard.
Alias+Tarsier on MySpace
Anticon Records
Steve Gordon Jr.
Case in point: Meet Alias & Tarsier.

He (Alias) is a prolific producer/lyricist of the not-so-mainstream hip hop order. Hailing from the Oakland end of the greater Bay Area known for its ultra-unique, progressive fusion of hip hop and electronic flavor, Alias, a.k.a Brendon Whitney, is a bi-costal kid from Cali by way of Maine. Once a spoken word poet, Alias found himself gravitating more toward the music rather than the words. Lush soundscapes became his vocals and dreamy cinematic movements became the inspired rather than the background inspiration.
She (Tarsier) is an aural angel who begged her parents for instruments and lessons to be close to music. Born under the lights of movie studios in Culver City, CA, Rona Rapadas ironically found herself struck by the sound of the movies. That big, wide-open flow of sound used to tell stories. Little did she know that a man with a key to that particular lock was formulating a plan that would fit her needs. Tarsier garnered critical acclaim by coupling with a producer who could back her haunting voice. Healamonster was the first to "mash-up" with Tarsier forming Healamonster & Tarsier and relocating to Brooklyn, NY to do their work. Her vocal skills seemed to invite the need for collabortation.
Here is where the ball of dirt shrinks.
Tarsier had caught a glimpse of her future in the beats of Alias and very matter-of-factly sent him an email with a sincere and simple suggestion;
From: Rona
To: Anticon (Alias' record label)
Subject Vox with Alias
This is Rona aka Tarsier, from the Brooklyn-based electronic duo Healamonster & Tarsier. I am loving Alias' album Muted and I am wondering if he would be interested in collaborating with me on a future track, or be open to me providing vocals for one of his tracks. I live in Brooklyn but we could trade beats and/or song structures and vocal MP3s via email.
(a actual email written by Rona "Tarsier" Rapadas, as read in URB Magazine Aug. '06 issue)
And with that, the oceans met.

The resulting tidal wash produced Alias & Tarsier and the cleverly titled "Oaklyn/Brookland" named in perfect homage of the combining of styles and coasts. I can't do the sound proper lip service, so I task you now... Listen and be so moved by a indie rapper gone savvy producer and a singer who literally begged to be heard.
Alias+Tarsier on MySpace
Anticon Records
Steve Gordon Jr.